Meet the League's Endorsed Candidate: Marti Speranza

The primary for the next local elections is on Sept. 12, 2017 and we are working to get the League’s arts-friendly candidates into office. Marti Speranza is the League's endorsed candidate for City Council District 4. She impressed us at our Meet the Candidates Forum earlier this year. We were doubly impressed by her Arts +Culture page on her campaign site and hope other NYC candidates follow her lead in presenting ideas on these issues in their campaign literature.  

What can the city do to preserve and grow its stock of performance and rehearsal spaces?

I plan to sign onto the City Council’s City Spaces legislation to create a searchable database of underutilized community and city-owned spaces that can serve as performance and rehearsal spaces.


Marti Speranza, left, is the League's endorsed candidate for City Council District 4. 

Marti Speranza, left, is the League's endorsed candidate for City Council District 4. 

What made you decide to run for this office?

I believe in the power a progressive city government that makes a difference in people's lives. Making the right choices on housing, education, transportation and the environment is key to building such a city, and that’s why I’m running. If elected, I will work to keep New York on the forefront of positive change and innovation.


What makes you an arts-friendly candidate?

I feel grateful to live in a city that is an epicenter of culture, and District 4 is home to many of the cities’ most important institutions. From Carnegie Hall to the Museum Mile, we need to promote the arts that keep our city vibrant and cultured. I have a plan to promote the arts, including expanding the Theater Subdistrict Fund to include arts organizations with budgets below $250,000/year and working with the many arts advocacy organizations in NYC to fight for the classroom space and funding schools need to provide their students with a rich education in music, drama, visual arts, and dance. I recently received the endorsement of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), and I look forward to standing with LIT and UFT to promote the arts in our district.


What is your favorite place to unwind in your district or in the city?  

My favorite place to unwind after a week of door knocking and phone banking is Bryant Park. The park holds a lot of sentimental value for my family — I married my husband, Rod, at the library there. Now, we bring our twins, Gia and Leo, for picnics at the park.


Make your direct pitch to get LIT members to help in your campaign in the primary and/or the general. What do you need? How can they get involved and who should they contact? When are the best days and times to get involved?

Our campaign is built on conversations with the voters of District 4 -- it’s these direct interactions that inform our voters and will help us win the primary on September 12th! We need people making phone calls, knocking on doors, or doing visibility as a proud member of Team Marti to help us get the word out. You can call our Field Director, Alex, at 917-574-9400 to sign up for a shift, or you can sign up here. We’ll gladly take your help any day of the week, any time you’re available. You’re also welcome to drop by Team Marti HQ between 11am-8pm, Mondays through Fridays, or 12-5pm on the weekends.

Thanks Marti and best wishes on the final leg of the primary! Our members who have worked on your campaign so far have enjoyed doing so. 

Reminder to League members: if you would like to help on other campaigns of our endorsed candidates, please fill out this form. And please remember to vote on Sept. 12!